Universidad Austral de Chile's team is made up of academics, undergraduate and graduate students and a collaborative network of national and international institutions.
Dr. Katia Abarca: Pontifical Catholic University
Dr. Carlos Becerra: Ministry of Health
Dr. Roman Biek. University of Glasgow.
Dr. Christopher Hamilton: Universidad de Chile
Dr. Lucila Moreno: University of Concepción
Dr. André Rubio: Universidad de Chile
Dr. Annia Rodríguez: University of Santo Tomás
Dr. Benjamin Makepeace: University of Liverpoool
Dr. Alexandr Stekolnikov. Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences
Dr. María Carolina Silva: Catholic University of Maule
Dr. Carlos Orellana: Agriculture and Livestock Service
Dr. Hannah Vineer: University of Liverpoool
Dr. Cecilia Vial: Universidad del Desarrollo
Dr. Miguel Salgado: Austral University of Chile
Dr. Sebastián Muñoz: Universidad de Concepción
Dr. Danny Fuentes-Castillo: University of Concepción
Dr. Carlos Landaeta: University of Concepción
Executive Coordinator
Veterinary Doctor
Master's Degree in Veterinary Preventive Medicine
Mathematician, Ph.D. in Biology
Space Analyst
Biochemist, Ph.D. in Marine Biology
Environmental Biologist, MSc. mention Genetics UACh
Thesis project : Characterizationof the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of the migratory shorebird Limosa haemastica: allelicdiversity andselectionpatterns".
D. Program in Sciences, mention in Ecology and Evolution.
Thesis project: Ecological dynamics in viromes and their drivers in association with migratory birds.
Doctorate Program in Veterinary Sciences
Thesis project: Environmental and individual determinants of endoparasite infections in Phyllotis darwini living in altered and non-altered areas in Central Chile.
Master's Degree in Science with a major in Applied Ecology
Thesis project: Effects of forest fragmentation on the occupation and diversity of micromammals in southern Chile.
D. Program in Forestry, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Universidad de Chile.
Thesis project: Fragmentation of native forests in southern Chile: Impact on rodents.
Master's Program in Applied Ecology UACh
Thesis project: Fragmentation and parasitism in rodents of southern Chile.
Master's Program in Animal Health UACh
ANID Postdoctoral Program
Thesis project: Effects of native forest fragmentation by anthropogenic intervention on leptospira sp. infection in wild rodents in southern Chile.
Doctorate Program in Veterinary Sciences UdeC
Thesis project: Effect of the environment with different degrees of anthropization on the dynamics of ticks infectation and their transmitted microorganism (Anaplasma, Babesia and Neoehrlichia) in Abrothrix olivacea.
Veterinary Medicine UACh.
Thesis project: Spatial description of antibiotic resistance in rodents.
Biology UdeC
Thesis project: Effect of fragmentation on the flea community.
Veterinary Medicine UACh
Veterinary Medicine UACh.
Thesis project: Analysis of chiropteran diet by massive sequencing.
Veterinary Medicine UACh
Thesis project: Spatial description of antimicrobial resistance in bats.
Veterinary Medicine UdeC
Thesis project: Detection and genomic characterization of enterobacteria producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamases and carbapenemases in wild rodents and bats in the regions of Los Lagos and Los Ríos.
Veterinary Medicine UACh
Thesis project: Analysis of the effect of morphometric measurements of bats in fragmented environments.
Veterinary Medicine UACh
Thesis project: Abundance of bats in fragmented forests.
Veterinary Medicine UACh
Thesis project: Effect of anthropogenic fragmentation of native forest on the prevalence of leptospira in Abrothrix olivacea in southern Chile.
Veterinary Medicine UACh
Thesis project: Characterization of the presence and perception of the health risk of bats in southern Chile.