
Universidad Austral de Chile's team is made up of academics, undergraduate and graduate students and a network of national and international institutions.


Universidad Austral de Chile's team is made up of academics, undergraduate and graduate students and a collaborative network of national and international institutions.

Collaboration network

  • Dr. Katia Abarca: Pontifical Catholic University

  • Dr. Carlos Becerra: Ministry of Health

  • Dr. Roman Biek. University of Glasgow.

  • Dr. Christopher Hamilton: Universidad de Chile

  • Dr. Lucila Moreno: University of Concepción

  • Dr. André Rubio: Universidad de Chile

  • Dr. Annia Rodríguez: University of Santo Tomás

  • Dr. Benjamin Makepeace: University of Liverpoool 

  • Dr. Alexandr Stekolnikov. Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences 

  • Dr. María Carolina Silva: Catholic University of Maule

  • Dr. Carlos Orellana: Agriculture and Livestock Service

  • Dr. Hannah Vineer: University of Liverpoool 

  • Dr. Cecilia Vial: Universidad del Desarrollo

  • Dr. Miguel Salgado: Austral University of Chile 

  • Dr. Sebastián Muñoz: Universidad de Concepción

  • Dr. Danny Fuentes-Castillo: University of Concepción

  • Dr. Carlos Landaeta: University of Concepción



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    Natalia Castro R.

    Executive Coordinator

    Veterinary Doctor
    Master's Degree in Veterinary Preventive Medicine


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    Dr. Alhelí Flores Ferrer

    Mathematician, Ph.D. in Biology

    Space Analyst 

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    Dr. Daniela Soto Vergara

    Biochemist, Ph.D. in Marine Biology




  • Dr. Alhelí Flores 

Undergraduate and graduate student thesis students

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    Kiara Fernández Loyola

    Environmental Biologist, MSc. mention Genetics UACh

    Thesis project : Characterizationof the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of the migratory shorebird Limosa haemastica: allelicdiversity andselectionpatterns".

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    Josefina Gutierrez 

    D. Program in Sciences, mention in Ecology and Evolution. 

    Thesis project: Ecological dynamics in viromes and their drivers in association with migratory birds. 

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    Patricio Carrera Játiva

    Doctorate Program in Veterinary Sciences

    Thesis project: Environmental and individual determinants of endoparasite infections in Phyllotis darwini living in altered and non-altered areas in Central Chile.

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    Juan Alarcón Valenzuela 

    Master's Degree in Science with a major in Applied Ecology 

    Thesis project: Effects of forest fragmentation on the occupation and diversity of micromammals in southern Chile. 

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    Paulina Lopez

    D. Program in Forestry, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Universidad de Chile.

    Thesis project: Fragmentation of native forests in southern Chile: Impact on rodents.

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    Macarena Coronado

    Master's Program in Applied Ecology UACh

    Thesis project: Fragmentation and parasitism in rodents of southern Chile.

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    Mayra Mena

    Master's Program in Animal Health UACh

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    Camilo Tomckowiack

    ANID Postdoctoral Program

    Thesis project: Effects of native forest fragmentation by anthropogenic intervention on leptospira sp. infection in wild rodents in southern Chile.

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    Camilo Salazar-Silva

    Doctorate Program in Veterinary Sciences UdeC

    Thesis project: Effect of the environment with different degrees of anthropization on the dynamics of ticks infectation and their transmitted microorganism (Anaplasma, Babesia and Neoehrlichia) in Abrothrix olivacea.  

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    Nicolás Hormazábal

    Veterinary Medicine UACh.

    Thesis project: Spatial description of antibiotic resistance in rodents.

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    Alexis Navarro

    Biology UdeC

    Thesis project: Effect of fragmentation on the flea community.

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    Maria Leal

    Veterinary Medicine UACh

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    María Francisca Valdéz

    Veterinary Medicine UACh.

    Thesis project: Analysis of chiropteran diet by massive sequencing.

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    Katto Zurita

    Veterinary Medicine UACh

    Thesis project: Spatial description of antimicrobial resistance in bats.

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    Jorge Barraza

    Veterinary Medicine UdeC

    Thesis project: Detection and genomic characterization of enterobacteria producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamases and carbapenemases in wild rodents and bats in the regions of Los Lagos and Los Ríos.

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    Javiera Soto

    Veterinary Medicine UACh

    Thesis project: Analysis of the effect of morphometric measurements of bats in fragmented environments. 

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    Eloisa Elizalde

    Veterinary Medicine UACh

    Thesis project: Abundance of bats in fragmented forests. 

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    Tomás Olivares 

    Veterinary Medicine UACh

    Thesis project: Effect of anthropogenic fragmentation of native forest on the prevalence of leptospira in Abrothrix olivacea in southern Chile.

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    Macarena Schenffeldt

    Veterinary Medicine UACh

    Thesis project: Characterization of the presence and perception of the health risk of bats in southern Chile.

Collaborating institutions

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